Hawgleg News Archive - 2005 < Back to previous page

“Peddler” packs in Gutshot Gear!
June 20, 2005 -- Big Spring, Texas

The heat is on, but one lucky peddler will be playing it cool in a new Gutshot T-shirt. Patrick Becker of Peddlers3 Hobbies in Big Spring, Texas, had a tinker’s luck when his name was pulled from the hat as the 12th person to win the Gutshot Online Drawing.

“I was a little surprised when I saw where he was from,” said Gutshot co-creator Mike Mitchell after the drawing. “I know the town of Big Spring fairly well – my high school used to play their high school at football, baseball, and other sports. They are definitely in the neck of the woods I grew up in.”

Although born in El Paso, Mitchell attended high school (and spent his wayward youth) in Mineola, Texas, which isn’t very far from Big Spring. Mitchell later returned to El Paso to finish college before moving to Houston.

Click here to view a
list of previous winners.

“Although seeing ‘Big Spring’ on his registration form was a bit of a coincidence, what really amazed me is what I saw when I pulled up his e-mail to contact him. Patrick had registered the day before the drawing! I guess that shows it’s never too late to toss your name into the hat,” Mitchell said.

Patrick was excited to hear the news of his win.

“Hot dang! Why I say, been a coon's age since I went'n won me sumtin!” he said.

Like previous winners, Patrick got to select an item of his choice from the Gutshot General Store and opted for the classic gray Gutshot T-shirt. As an extra bonus, the Gutshot Posse threw in a Gutshot magnet and a button/badge.

Peddlers3 Hobbies is located at 5912 South Service Rd., Big Spring, TX 79720. If you’re in the neighborhood, drop by and let Patrick model his spiffy new shirt fer yuh!

The next drawing will be around Sept. 15, 2005. Please visit our Registration Page to put your name in the hat, and remember that if you've registered in the past (in person at a convention, or online), you don't need to do so again. Your name stays in the hat until you win!

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