Hawgleg News Archive - 2005 < Back to previous page

Get Gutshot with PayPal
Feb. 15, 2005 -- Houston, Texas

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 Since we announced the release of Gutshot, we have literally been flooded with requests to buy it directly from us. We are flattered, gratified, and a little overwhelmed. Our plan has always been to go light on Internet sales and focus on getting Gutshot on the shelves of game stores.

In fact, that’s the core of our entire marketing strategy – get Gutshot into the stores where gamers can get their hands on it and find out for themselves why this is a game they can get excited about.

However, since we’re still in the early phases of talking to distributors, we’ve decided not to torture ya’ll by dangling the book just out of reach. So, for the short term, we’ll be accepting orders over the Internet and filling them, straight from us straight to you.

To expedite things, we’ve set up a simple PayPal Shopping Cart where you can buy the book for only $19.95 + shipping and handling.

Now, some of yuh may ask why we went with PayPal, and there’s a real simple answer. It’s just a short-term solution for those of ya too excited to wait while we set up a full-fledged shopping cart with multiple shipping options and features.

Thanks again for your enthusiasm and we ask you to bear with us while we get everything set up proper. For those of you who don’t use PayPal, we are accepting checks and money orders. We’re also accepting international orders (please e-mail Mike Murphy and he’ll help you calculate the best shipping options for you on a case-by-case basis).

Click here to place your order >>

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