Hawgleg News Archive - 2007 < Back to previous page

Hawgleg announces price increase
Order now before Gutshot cover price is hit by Inflation Bandit!
July 15, 2007 -- Houston, Texas

We've still got about a dozen books in stock at the old price of $19.95 (plus s&h)

It is with heavy hearts that the owners of Hawgleg Publishing announce a price increase on their flagship game, Gutshot.  Effective with the next printing, the price will increase from $19.95 to $24.95.

The price is directly related to price increases from the printing company that produces the book for Hawgleg.

“Our printers raised their prices back in March,” said Gutshot co-creator Mike Mitchell. “Since then, we’ve done an exhaustive search for another printer who could produce our book at a lower cost.  Unfortunately, we have not found anyone who could pass muster on price, quality, and professionalism. Therefore, we will be continuing to use our current printers and raise our prices accordingly.”

Gutshot co-creator Mike Murphy also expressed his feelings on being hit by the "Inflation Bandit."

“We managed to keep our prices low for two-and-a-half years,” Murphy said. “We held out as long as we could.  But now we’ve got to increase the cover price to keep up with that ole Inflation Bandit.”

Order now – supplies are limited

The price increase affects future print runs.  It does not affect stock on hand.  Hawgleg has about one dozen books in stock right now.  These will be available at the old cover price of $19.95 plus shipping.

“Normally we keep more on hand, but we allowed the stock to get this low while we were searching for new printers,” Mitchell explained.  “Also, we had a few stores restock during this time.  So we're really low on books at the moment.”

When the current stock is gone, the online shopping cart will be changed to reflect the new price.  Additionally, because of the limited supplies, all retailer and distributor orders will be filled at the new price.

“We really wanted to keep the price under $20,” Mitchell said. “But we just couldn’t sacrifice the quality that we had come to expect with our current printer. Additionally, they are one of the most professional companies I’ve personally ever dealt with, and they have proven themselves, repeatedly, as a company worthy of our continued support and respect. Although we regret having to increase the cover price, I’m actually relieved that we’ll still be working with a printing company that has repeatedly proven itself.”

To order Gutshot at its current price, visit the Hawgleg Shopping Cart:  http://www.hawgleg.com/paypal.asp.  

Gutshot is the 2006 Origins Award Winner for "Historical Miniatures Game of the Year."

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