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Paul Mauer joins the Hawgleg Team
Long-time friend “officially” joins the company as partner
Aug. 20, 2006 -- Dupont, Washington

In a move that is long overdue, Hawgleg Publishing is proud to announce that long-time friend and supporter, Paul Mauer, has officially joined Hawgleg Publishing as a full partner.

“Paul was with us right from the start,” said Gutshot co-creator Mike Mitchell. “In fact, he was right there with me in 2000 at the first Houston playtest and, to be honest, Gutshot wouldn’t be here today without his tireless support and dedication.”

Paul will be responsible for wearing multiple hats in the small organization, chief among them being project management, proofing, product development and representing Hawgleg Publishing at conventions and playtests in Washington state and its surrounding areas.


At Enfilade 2006, Paul Mauer with "The Last Man Standing," Paul Jarvis, who happily holds his Cold Death Stein for outlasting the other varmints in a rousing game of Gutshot.

“I am very happy to have Paul as an official member of the team,” said Gutshot co-creator Mike Murphy. “His dedication and hard work helped us tremendously on the development of Gutshot. He's pretty much been a part of it ‘unofficially’ from the get-go, and we have a lot to thank him for.”

Paul expressed happiness about joining the team as a full partner in Hawgleg Publishing and helping with the continued growth and development of Gutshot, as well as working on other projects.”

“It’s about time!” Paul said with a modest grin. “Now that we’ve won the Origins Award, we’ve got a lot of work to do to get our books out for next year.”

Future projects include the Gutshot campaign guide, Adventures on the Outlaw Trail, Night of the Living Deadwood and an anime-themed game co-authored by Mike Mitchell and Paul Mauer (more on this, later).  Additionally, there are a few “secret” projects under development by the partners; details will be released closer to their release.

“I’m looking forward to some of the projects we’ve got planned,” Mitchell said. “And with Paul’s continued help, I feel confident that we will meet our deadlines and exceed our goals.”

Paul echoed his partners’ enthusiasm.

"I’m really looking forward to the next 12 months,” Paul said. “With the three of us working together, I think we’re going to accomplish some amazing things."

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