Hawgleg News Archive - 2005 < Back to previous page

Register now for HOT Gutshot Gear!
June 15, 2005 -- Houston, Texas

Summer is here and it’s gonna be hot, hot, hot, but not as hot as our Gutshot Gear… especially when it’s FREE!

Howdy ho, saddle bums, it’s that time again! Another quarter comes to a close, so it’s time to pull another name out of the hat and see which lucky buckaroo or buckerette is going to win the Gutshot Online Drawing for Summer 2005.

Registration deadline is Friday, 5 p.m., June 17, 2005. The winner will be notified via e-mail and have two weeks to respond. After that, another name is drawn from the hat and a new winner is selected. Go to this page and follow the directions to register.


As with previous contests, the winner will get to pick one item of Gutshot Merchandise from the General Store. The store currently carries T-shirts, baseball caps, mousepads, a barbeque apron, a new wall clock, and lots of other items that'll make you happier than a riverboat gambler with three aces up his sleeve! Sorry, but the Core Rule Book is not in the prize bag.

This is the 12th drawing since it was initiated in 2002. Click here to view a list of previous winners.

“I always get excited when it’s time to choose the latest winner,” said Gutshot co-creator Mike Mitchell. “It’s kinda like being Santa Clause… only it’s a lot warmer than it was back in December.”

And, despite rumors to the contrary, there will not be a Gutshot Speedo added to the store this year.

“Based on the average shape of the average gamer, that’s probably for the best,” Mitchell said with a grin.

And remember, if you've registered in the past (in person at a convention, or online), you don't need to do so again. Your name stays in the hat until you win!

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