Hawgleg News Archive - 2005 < Back to previous page

Saddle up and join the Gutshot Posse
and the NuGamers in Kingwood this weekend

May 17, 2005 -- Kingwood, Texas

The lead will fly and the thunder of rolling dice will fill the air this weekend as The Gutshot Posse rides north to join the NuGamers game club for an afternoon of Wild West mayhem!Both Gutshot authors, Mike Mitchell and Mike Murphy, plan to make the trek to join the club on Saturday, May 21, 2005 at the library in Kingwood, Texas. For directions, visit their Website: www.nugamers.com . “NuGamers’ main objective is to introduce this hobby to novice players and curious on-lookers, said club founder Justo Perez. “We intentionally run our games in public settings, exposing the hobby in plain view of the general public as we play our games; we make an effort to draw in people that are unfamiliar with this fantastic hobby.” The Gutshot Posse is only too happy to saddle up and help with these worthy goals. “We’re really looking forward to finally hooking up with the NuGamers,” Mitchell said. “We’ve been trying to hook up with them since Justo invited us last November, but we had to cancel because we were focusing on getting the Gutshot book into print. Now that we’ve released the book, it’s time to round ‘em and head ‘em out!”

Actually, Mitchell admitted that, enthusiasm aside, it’s not really like they’re planning a three-month-long cattle drive.

“Kingwood is only a few miles north of Houston,” he said with a sheepish grin. “It’s just that this city is so danged big that it feels like you’re making the drive out of Lonesome Dove.”

Once more, Mitchell and Murphy will be running the popular "Last Man Standing" game, and as usual, a prize will be awarded to the player who manages to accomplish that goal. The game is a basic free-for-all and serves as a very good introduction to the Gutshot game system, and the Posse will supply all miniatures, buildings, and supplies.

The simplicity of this particular adventure also makes it easier for guests and onlookers to join in, which also helps support the club’s goals of public outreach.

“Being mindful of the general public’s view of this hobby as a geek’s domain, our players are never flippant or rude to inquisitive on-lookers; we go the extra step to be courteous and respectful of one another, especially of novice players,” Justo explained.

Mitchell and Murphy echoed those sentiments, but Mitchell did so with a wicked gleam in his eyes.’

“I just love fresh meat for the games,” he said. Then, turning serious, he added, “Actually, I hope we get some kids to join us at the library. Kids really love cowboys and, in the past, some of our best games have had players under the age of 12.”

“Back with the Midnight Riders games, some of the most bloodthirsty players were the little kids,” Mitchell added. “That’s the great thing about Westerns – they instantly understand them and can get right into them very, very fast.”

Mitchell and Murphy said they hope to run at least two games on Saturday, and plan to be there around 11 a.m. As noted previously, all supplies are provided and novices are welcome. Additionally, the games are open to the general public; you do not have to be a member of the NuGamers club to play. For more information, contact Justo Perez through the NuGamers Website (see sidebar).


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