Hawgleg News Archive - 2004 < Back to previous page

Time to go back to school with Gutshot Gear!
Sept. 13, 2004 -- Houston, Texas

This lady goes by the name of Arizona... and yuh better smile when ya say that! This image is featured on our new Value T-Shirt at the Gutshot General Store for only $9.99! Register now and you might win this, or any of the other great items we're selling over there!


It's that time again, saddle pals! If you don't wanna face the school marm in a ratty old T-shirt and jeans, you better sign up now and register for the Gutshot Online Drawing.

And if you're school marm looks like the gun-totting lady on our newest Gutshot T-shirt, ya sure as blazes don't wanna make her mad!

"The lady's name is Arizona, and she's one of the characters who will be featured in the artwork for the upcoming Gutshot Core Rule Book." said Gutshot co-creator Mike Mitchell. "And we're mighty pleased to have her!"

This lucky winner will be the ninth person to win a trip to Gutshot General Store. As in previous drawings, the winner may select any one item from the fine selection of goods offered there. There are currently 22 items in the store, including clothing, mugs, hats, and more.

"The most recent winner, Kreg Mosier, selected the "Cold Death" shirt. We considered calling this design the "hot babe," but decided not to risk offending a lady with a really big gun," Mitchell said with a grin.

"Remember, if you’ve already registered for the drawing, you don’t have to register again," Mitchell said. "Your name will stay in the hat until you win. Multiple entries won’t increase your chances of winning because we throw out the duplicates!"

The next drawing will be held Sept. 18, 2004 (a few additional days have been allotted to allow for registrants to sign up).

Click here to register for the Gutshot Online Contest >>

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