Hawgleg News Archive - 2004 < Back to previous page

Register Now for Summer Drawing
June 8, 2004 -- Houston, Texas


TILE BOX: This box is a right proper place to store yer extra ammo! It's just one of the six new items we've added to our General Store

  Summer is heating up, so it’s time to pull another name from the hat in the Gutshot Online Drawing. On June 15, 2004, Miss Mona will sashay over to the Sheriff’s Office, roll up her sleeve, and put her hand deep into the winner’s hat and pull out the name of some lucky buckaroo (or buckerette). So, if’n yuh wanna add yer name, yuh better mosey over to our Online Drawing Page and register.

"We’ve been so danged busy working on the rules that we plum near forgot about the Summer drawing," said Gutshot co-creator Mike Mitchell. "Fortunately, there's still time to add yer handle to the hat before we pull out the name of the latest winner."

This lucky winner will be the eighth person to win a trip to Gutshot General Store. As in previous drawings, the winner may select any one item from the fine selection of goods offered there.

"We just added six more items to the store," Mitchell proudly said. "This brings the total up to 21, so far. We plan to add more as the year goes on… including some featuring art from the upcoming Core Rule Book."

The new items include:

  • baby creeper
  • flying disc
  • golf shirt
  • lunch box
  • tile coaster
  • tile box

"If you’ve already registered for the drawing, you don’t have to register again," Mitchell said. "Your name will stay in the hat until you win. Multiple entries won’t increase your chances of winning."

To register, and for more information, visit: Online Drawing Page

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