Hawgleg News Archive - 2003 < Back to previous page

Santa Packs Saddlebags with Gutshot Goodies!
Dec. 10, 2003 -- Houston, Texas


  Santa's saddling up early this year, and he's filling his bag with goodies from the Gutshot General Store! Yup, it's time for the quarterly Gutshot Giveaway!

If you haven't done so already, mosey over to our Contest Registration Page and sign up for the drawing. On Dec. 15, we'll toss all the registrants' names in a hat (pointy, red and with furry white trim, as appropriate to the season) and pull out the name of one lucky buckaroo or buckarette.

As with previous contests, the winner will get to pick one item of Gutshot Merchandise from the General Store. The store currently carries T-shirts, baseball caps, mouspads, a Barbeque Apron, a new wall clock, and lots of other items that'll make you happier than a riverboat gambler with three aces up his sleeve!

Gutshot is a fast-paced, easy-to-learn game for running one-on-one and small-scale combat set in the American Wild West using 25mm miniatures. The game focuses on cinematic-style action and has an extended campaign setting that allows characters to improve over time. It was created by Mike Murphy and Mike Mitchell and has been undergoing development and refinement for more than four years. The finished product will be a soft cover, square-bound rule book that will probably run about 75 pages and retail for about $19.95. The game will be published under the company imprint, Hawgleg Publishing, which was founded by Murphy and Mitchell in 1999.

And remember, if you've registered in the past, you don't need to do so again. your name stays in the hat until you win!

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