Hawgleg News Archive - 2003 < Back to previous page

Winner selected in September Drawing!
Sept. 28, 2003 -- Lomita, California


IT'S TIME TO GET GUTSHOT!This Gutshot Wall Clock will soon be hanging on Sherry Millstein's wall, courtesy of the Gutshot Posse.

With much ceremony and ado, the names were shuffled in the official Gutshot GM's hat, and one lucky slip was drawn.

The winner for the Sept. 15, 2003 Gutshot Online Contest is Sherry Milstein of Lomita, California.

"Sherry was notified by e-mail and sent over to the Gutshot General Store for a little shopping spree," said game co-creator Mike Mitchell. "She browsed around and decided to spruce up her spread with a snazzy GUTSHOT WALK CLOCK."

Sherry is the first winner to select the new timepiece as a prize.

"Actually, I don't even have a Gutshot clock, yet," Mitchell said with a hint of envy. "I've been too busy designing this stuff to get a copy of it." Mitchell added that there is some new merchandise on the drawing board -- including a lunchbox / miniatures case and possibly designs for steins and other items -- but that they would have to wait as he and game co-creator, Mike Murphy, worked on finalizing the rules for publication.

"We've still got a lot of work to do," Murphy said. "But we've made incredible progress since the summer playtests with the Midnight Riders and with the great folks over at Little Wars."

The next contest drawing will be Dec. 15, 2003. Once again, the prize will be any one item from the Gutshot General Store. To register for the contest, send the following information to :register@hawgleg.com

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • State of Residence
  • Valid e-mail address.

All submissions are subject to the Contest Rules, and remember, if you have registered in the past, you do not need to register again. Duplicate entries are deleted.

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