Hawgleg News Archive - 2003 < Back to previous page

Gutshot Posse Readies to Ride to Little Wars!
July 19, 2003 -- Houston, Texas

PLAYERS WANTED -- Join us at Little Wars for our playtest on Sat., July 26, 2003.
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The lead will be flying and the blood will be flowing, when the Gutshot Posse rides in to Little Wars game store in Houston on at 1 p.m. on July 26, 2003.

Scheduled GM, Mike Murphy, had to pull out due to a conflict with his work schedule, so Mike Mitchell will be pinch hitting for him.

"I was going to attend, anyway," Mitchell said. "Now I'll be running the show instead of enjoying the game."

Mitchell said he is uncertain about which Adventure he will be running.

"Murph intended to run 'Double Eagle Showdown,' which is one of his favorite adventures because it pits two gangs against each other and the local law. Since I'm not as familiar with that particular adventure, I may stick to something I'm more familiar with."

Mitchell said he would probably run "Love & Bullets," a simple tale of the ranchers daughter running off with a Yankee cattle thief, or "Bad Day at Beaver Creek." The latter adventure has a band of outlaws robbing a safe in a saloon. He has run both adventures before, at previous OwlCons and the Midnight Comics Memorial Day Mini-Con.

"Of course, if I get some time between now and then, I might just write a new adventure," Mitchell said. "Ya never know. But whatever I run, I guarantee that it will be fast, fun, and exciting."

Store Owner Tony Rocha was enthusiastic about the upcoming game. “We're very excited to have a game of Gutshot at the shop. We've been trying to get a date set since Murph first came into the store.”

The Gutshot Posse will be riding into Little Wars at 1 p.m. on Saturday, July 26th to run an adventure you won't forget.  The game is open to the public (walk-ins welcome). No prior experience is necessary, and we’ll be providing all buildings, miniatures, and equipment… so all you need to bring is enough gumption to Get Gutshot!

For more information on Little Wars, please check out their site!


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