Hawgleg News Archive - 2003 < Back to previous page

Hawgleg supports our troops
April 9, 2003 -- Houston, Texas

One of the things history has idealized about the Old West -- and one of the reasons it continues to fascinate us all -- is the Frontier Spirit that was apparent in the men and women of that time.

A peaceful folk for the most part, they preferred to keep to themselves. But when trouble came along, they were willing to band together, roll up their sleeves, and get tackle trouble head one.

Whether they needed to circle the wagons or round up the men for a posse, the people would pull together and see to it that the job was done.

At Hawgleg Publishing, we know the Real West wasn't a black and white world with Good Guys beating Bad Guys. It was a lot more complicated than that... just like the world today.

At this time, thousands of young men and women, from all branches of the United States Military (and a handful of other like-minded allies) are overseas, putting their lives in jeopardy. You don't like the politics of this war? Well, frankly, we don't give a danged hoot about politics. Yours, theirs, or anybody's.

What we do care about is the bravery, the fortitude, and the dedication to duty that exemplifies the Frontier Spirit in these Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines.

We urge you to show your support by making a donation to the American Red Cross' AFES — Iraq Response Fund. According to their Website, this fund works "Around the clock and around the globe, during times of personal crisis, the American Red Cross Armed Forces Emergency Services (AFES) provides assistance and comfort to U.S. military members and their families. Your gift will support the nationally coordinated Red Cross services provided to military families across the country and to the American service men and women located throughout the world."

Donations may be made online at:

Or you may call them at: 1-800 HELP NOW

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