Hawgleg News Archive - 2003 < Back to previous page

Contest Winner Selected for Spring 2003
March 20, 2003 -- Hackettstown, New Jersey

  The name came out of the hat on March 15, 2003... and the hat goes to to a saddle pal on the Eastern Seaboard.

Ernie Lanterman won the Gutshot Online Contest for Spring 2003. After reviewing the large assortment of goodies in the Gutshot General Store, Ernie decided to choose a Gutshot Ball cap in Khaki.

"The ball cap arrived yesterday," Ernie wrote in his 'thank you' note. "It really looks better in person than the site conveys. In the times I wear headgear, this will be my choice. Love it. Thanks."

And thanks to you, hombre, for choosing a prize that will reflect well on you.

"Folks on the range judge ya by her headgear," said co-creator Mike Mitchell. "I reckon from now on folks are gonna think Ernie is an upstanding fella who has great taste in hats."

To enter the drawing, just mosey on over to our Online Drawing Page for more info.

Mitchell noted that the competition in this Quarter's drawing was particularly fierce.

"I don't know why, but we've received about 52 entries since the last week of December. That's pretty dang good, considering we haven't actively advertised the Website or the Contest with any new search engines. I'm very encouraged by the interest in our game," Mitchell said.

The next drawing will be June 15, 2003. If you have already registered, you do not need to do so again. Your name has been forwarded to the next drawing.

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