Hawgleg News Archive - 2005 < Back to previous page

Mitchell may head for higher ground
Hawgleg suspends operations due to Hurricane Rita
Sept. 21, 2005 -- Houston, Texas

Hurricane Rita reached Category 5 around noon on Wed., Sept. 21, 2005. Like the wrath of a woman scorned, it headed for Texas and Mike Mitchell decided that discretion was the better part of valor.

A true cowboy ain’t afeared of no bad weather… but on the other hand, our mama’s didn’t raise no fools, either!

Hurricane Rita is making a bee-line right for the Texas Gulf Coast, and that means things are gonna get downright unpredictable at the home office in north Houston.

Effective Wednesday night, Hawgleg Publishing is suspending all operations and company co-founder is packing up his family and will most likely be heading for higher ground.

“We are packing tonight and getting ready to do two things: weather the storm here or leave town. We will make that decision tomorrow night based on how strong the storm is and where the predicted landfall will be. If it stays west of Matagora, we probably stay and weather the storm.”

Mitchell explained that, due to his location, his house would only be expecting the winds and rain of a category two hurricane, which they have weathered before without significant difficulty.

He also added that, although he won’t be able to respond to electronic communication, the servers are not in Texas and are not likely to be affected by the storm.

“E-mail should not be affected, nor should any orders be lost. So, if you send me a message, I will receive it eventually. And, if things go well, I may actually be able to do some work on things. But, I think the best thing to do is just to shut 'er down over the weekend,” Mitchell said.

Immediate effects of the shut down will be:

  • Orders for the Gutshot Core Rule Book will not be shipped until sometime next week (there are currently two in the queue)
  • The Friday deadline for the Fall Online Drawing has been extended to Friday, Sept. 30, 2005.
  • The Free Shipping to Retailers promotion will be extended one week, ending at midnight Oct. 8, 2005.

Mitchell and his family are falling back to the family ranch outside of College Station and should be far enough inland on the east side of the hurricane to avoid most of the expected winds and tornadoes. If all goes well, he expects to return to Houston early next week.

“We will make a public announcement to let you know when we reopen. I would also like to add that your thoughts and prayers are very welcome,” he said. “For me and everyone out here.”

He also added that he would be in touch with Hawgleg co-founder Mike Murphy, who may make some news available periodically at The Miniatures Page (theminiaturespage.com).

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