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Get Gutshot at AtomiCon in Las Vegas!
Oct. 18, 2005 -- Las Vegas, Nevada

Grab yer shootin’ irons and a fistful of dice, pardners, then saddle up for Sin City! Yup, it’s time to get Gutshot at AtomiCon!

“It's time to get down and dirty, and yer guns a blazin',” said Gutshot co-creator Mike Murphy. “I'll be running TWO Gutshot ‘Last Man Standing’ games at the ATOMICON games weekend here in Las Vegas.”

The ATOMICON game weekend is sponsored by the Las Vegas Gamers Club

“The Las Vegas Gamers Club is dedicated to bringing gamers of all ages and gaming interests together in Las Vegas and the Desert Southwest region,” according to the club’s Website. “Our goal is to provide both local gamers and visitors to Las Vegas with well-run large-scale events, an opportunity to meet new gamers, and a forum to voice their opinions, hone their skills, and exchange ideas.”

The game convention will be Friday and Saturday, Oct. 21 and 22 at Griffith United Methodist Church, 1701 E. Oakey, Las Vegas, NV 89104 (North East corner of Oakey and 17th Street). Visit their Website for additional information.

“This event is a multi-game system local gamesday with an unbeatable cost/donation to the Church's Youth Group,” said Jason Coffey, ATOMICON 2005 Chairman. “In addition to several wonderful Demos of Gutshot, we will also have a Warhammer Fantasy Tournment, Demos from Warmachine, Confrontation, Flames of War, and a Officially sanctioned Babylon 5 Tournment along with several other Demos from Mongoose Publishing.”

On behalf of the convention, Jason expressed thanks to the many sponsors who helped make the convention a reality:

Thanks to our Sponsors:

  • Hobbytown USA (on Sahara & Decatur)
  • Dreamland Hobbies (by UNLV)
  • The Little Shop of Magic
  • Hawgleg Publishing
  • Epicast
  • Mongoose Publishing
  • Griffith United Methodist Church (Host Facility)
  • Las Vegas Gamers Club (LVGC)
  • Las Vegas Historicals Club (LVHistoricals)
  • Boy Scout Troop 250 (250th Lift Company)

“We’re proud as punch to be one of the event sponsors. And we’re really excited about the plans in the works for future conventions,” Murphy said, then added with a devilish grin. “I’d tell you more, but then I’d have to kill you!”

On a serious note, though, he said that more information about conventions in Las Vegas would be forthcoming as the details became more solidified.

In regards to his games at the con, Murphy added that prizes would be awarded and that all supplies would be provided for his games.

“All you need is enough gumption to get Gutshot,” he said.

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