Hawgleg News Archive - 2006 < Back to previous page

Get Gutshot at May Madness!
May 26, 2006 -- Las Vegas, Nevada

It's time fer you Vegas boys (and gals) ta saddle up and get Gutshot!
 Summer is here and the lead is in the air as Gutshot gets roaring at May Madness!

"This is the first May Madness Event that I’ll be hosting Gutshot. It’s also the first of many games that will be run this year here in Vegas and in nearby cities,” said Gutshot co-author Michael Murphy.

May Madness will be celebrated Memorial Day Weekend (Fri-Sat) at Griffith United Methodist Church. For a Fri and Sat event, the cost is actually very cheap. You pay only a nominal fee for lunch, and the gaming is free. And if that wasn't enough to make you happier than a hoss on loco weed, you'll get a warm fuzzy feeling because all proceeds go to the church youth group.

“We’ll be playing back-to-back demos on Saturday from 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. and again from 2 - 5 p.m. Both games will be the ever-popular “Last Man Standing” adventure. And, if time permits, we might be playtesting a new scenario that I have been working on; 'Don’t take your guns to town'," Murphy said.

This year Murphy will be helped out by his friend Mike Connelly, who has volunteered his assistance in running the games.

“Having Mike help me out is going to be good, because we can answer questions, demo games and have twice as much fun. In fact I might just “slip” in one of my PC’s during the “Last Man Standing" game, the Infamous “Slinky Dick Johnson,” just to stir things up a bit!” Murphy said with a grin.

So the challenge is out. Grab yer guns and saddle up! It’s time to Get Gutshot!


Friday May 26th from 6 pm till 11 pm
Saturday May 27th from 8 am till 9 pm

Griffith United Methodist Church
1701 E. Oakey Blvd.
Las Vegas, NV
(Northeast corner of Oakey and 17th Street)
Your cost is for Lunch, which goes to the Church Youth Group.

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