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Feel the heat at Winter-Vention!
Jan. 31, 2006 -- Potosi, Missouri

It’s time to saddle up yer ponies and make that long haul north, pilgrim!

The winds may be a bit chilly compared tuh the South Texas sun, but the heat is on at the Winter-Vention 2006 gaming convention, and once more it’s time to get Gutshot.

“Winter-Vention is a multi-genre gaming convention,” according to convention sources. “It is open to all forms of non-electronic gaming. No PS2s or N-64s here. This is for those who want to push miniatures, flip cards, move pieces, and roll dice! Whether it's Axis & Allies, Dungeons & Dragons, or Warhammer 40K, it is welcome at Winter-Vention!”

The three-day event will be held at Trout Lodge in Potosi, Missouri, which is approximately 90 miles southwest of St. Louis. The action will start at 4 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 3, 2006 and continue through Sunday in time for everyone to make the drive back home for the Super Bowl.

Get Gutshot on
Saturday Morning!

The early bird gets the prize, amigo! So yuh better wipe the sleep from yer eyes, have Cookie pour yuh a stiff cup o’coffee, and get yer hide over to the gaming room for an early-morning game!

GM Chris Curtis will be running the popular Gutshot Adventure, “Love & Bullets” during Session #4, which runs from 9 a.m. to noon on Saturday, Feb. 4, 2006. All supplies and miniatures will be provided, so beginners are welcome.

The convention’s Executive Director is Pat Crowley, who’s a long-time friend of Gutshot, and the former owner of Underground Games.

“We’re proud as punch to be sponsoring this game, and this convention,” said Gutshot co-creator Mike Mitchell. “Pat is a great guy and has really done a lot to help support gaming in his neck of the woods.”

Hawgleg has provided the con with two copies of the Gutshot Core Rule Book to be given out as prizes.

“I’m not sure if a book will be awarded at the game, or just be one of the general prizes that can be awarded in some other way,” Mitchell said. “In any case, two lucky cowpokes are gonna take home a world of Wild West action.”

So, if you’ve got enough gumption, this is the time and the place to get Gutshot!

“The convention itself will end, at the latest, at 2:30 p.m.,” said convention Executive Director Patrick Crowley. “When I originally scheduled it, I purposely made it for the first weekend in February because, historically, the Super Bowl is held the last weekend in January. I had no idea the league was planning to extend the season by one week.”

The end time should give most people plenty of time to drive home, or to mosey over to a sports bar and watch it with their fellow gamers.

“This will be Winter-Vention's inaugural year and so far it is shaping up to be one of the region's top gaming conventions,” according to a statement at the con’s Website. “With a dedicated vendor's room and numerous tournaments planned for the industry’s hottest games, Winter-Vention is sure to be a hit with gamers and vendors alike.”

For more details, please visit the con’s Website:

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