Hawgleg News Archive - 2006 < Back to previous page

Get a double shot of Gutshot this weekend!
GMs and players battle the undead hordes at TerpCon and Gathering of the Tribes
May 5, 2006 -- Houston, Texas & College Park, Maryland

Get a double shot of Gutshot at gaming conventionsYuh better plug yer ears this weekend, pilgrim… ‘cause there’s a double shot of Gutshot comin’ yer way! GMs will be pinning on their badges and leading their men against hordes of the undead as the dice roll at two game conventions this weekend.

Gutshot co-creator Mike Mitchell will be running a game at The Gathering of the Tribes game day in Texas and GM Joey McGuire will be running a game at TerpCon Spring 2006 in Maryland. Both GMs will be playtesting material for Hawgleg’s upcoming supplement, Gutshot: Night of the Living Deadwood (NotLD).

“The response to NotLD has really surprised me,” Mitchell said. “The early playtests have really been met with solid enthusiasm and more than one person has told me that Cowboys vs Zombies seems like a perfect fit.”

One person who apparently thought so was gamer Joey McGuire, who contacted Mitchell in early April to ask for help running a game of this type. Mitchell responded by providing him with the latest set of “very beta” rules for his game.

“Wow, you sure know how to make a pard feel appreciated,” Joey replied.

Joey will be running a modified version of the classic adventure which gave the book its title.

“I couldn't just run any old Gutshot scenario. Oh no! I had to run the one with zombies. That's right. I will be running Night of the Living Deadwood with a twist. What's the twist you say? Well in this version Boot Hill is a little closer to town and the locals don't kindly appreciate anyone stirring up the graves,” Joey said.

He also hinted that there will be “fast zombies” and other surprises in store for those brave enough to face the challenge. Joey plans to run at least two games, during the first and second timeslots. See sidebar for game location and details.

“I want to say that we’re really looking forward to hearing how the games go, and that we’re very grateful to Joey for taking the bull by the horns to run this adventure using our game,” Mitchell said. “As one way to show our appreciation, we’re providing prize support for the games. If the Pony Express riders get ‘em there in time, the players are gonna get a nice stash of Gutshot gear as a reward for having a good time.”

More info: www.warhorn.net/terpconspring2006

A Good Day to Die (again)

Meanwhile, back at the ranch (or at least back at Little Wars game store in Houston, Texas), Mitchell is planning to playtest the second adventure using the NotLD rules.

“Right now the working title is ‘Cross of Gold, Chalice of Blood,’ but that’s subject to change before we go to print,” Mitchell explained.

Details of the adventure are still a bit hush-hush, but the author did reveal that this adventure focuses more on the Character Zombies (in other words, the undead who can think and still shoot their guns, rather than stumbling, mindless undead). Additionally, the adventure is more objective driven and will require the players to do more than just shoot zombies to win.

“I’m still working out the details on this particular adventure,” Mitchell admitted, adding that, “There’s nothing quite like that last-minute deadline pressure to get the creative juices flowing. Of course, if all goes well, it’ll be blood that’s flowing… at least imaginary blood.”

Mitchell will run one game from 2 - 6 p.m. It is open to the public, there are no sign-up fees, and all miniatures, terrain, and supplies will be provided. So, if you’ve got enough gumption to face the living dead, saddle up this weekend and join the GMs at the table.

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