Hawgleg News Archive - 2021 < Back to previous page

Things are heating up again!
Feb. 1, 2021

Hey there, Saddle Pals!

It's been a long year and an even longer time since I've sat down to update you on how things are going. 

  • First off, l spent Christmas 2020 with a visit from that rotten Covid virus. Yup, me'n the missus got sick. Real sick. But we're on the mend and feeling much better now.
  • Next, our business partner, Paul "Mad Dog" Mauer has up'n left the Great Northwest behind him and returned to Houston! And no sooner does he get back than he lights a fire under my backside and is getting us to move on some long-languishing projects. And some new stuff, to boot.

So, the new year is heating up and you'll be seein' more of us in the days to come!


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