Get Gutshot at OwlCon 2013
It's time to skeedaddle south of the border!
Feb. 7, 2013 -- Houston, Texas
It's time to saddle up yer ponies and head on over to Houston's premier gaming convention: OwlCon at Rice University in Houston, Texas. Once more, your ole saddle pals at the Gutshot Posse will be hittin' the trail and makin' the trek to Rice University for our annual fun-n-frolic with our fans.
This year, Hawgleg co-owner and co-creator of Gutshot, Mike Mitchell, will be on hand to run the ever-popular convention classic, "Last Man Standing."
As with past conventions, Mitchell will be breaking in some new material and taking it for a ride.
"This year, we're going to spice things up by playtesting some new Character types, and things could get a little hot!" Mitchell said with a grin.
The spice he alluded to refers to the fact that the new character types include three new characters from South of the Border: These characters include three types that could be played in a Mexican-themed game, or a classic Spaghetti Western.
"We have been working on a Spaghetti Western supplement -- off and on -- for a few years now. It' time to ramp things up and get these great character concepts out there so we can add some Mexican spice to our standard games," Mitchell said.
The three characters that will be tested at this convention game are:
- Bandito (band - ee - toe)
- Caballero (cab - eye - yarrow)
- La Vaquero (la vah - carrow)
Note: The pronunciation guide is at the insistance of Paul "Mad Dog" Mauer (Hawgleg's task master and all around Mr. "Get it Done"). Even though Paul once lived and worked in the American Southwest, he never managed to pick up any of the local lingo. In fact, the extent of his ability to speak Spanish is pretty much exhausted when ordering dinner at Taco Bell.
"These characters have been playtested a few times before," Paul said. "Even at past OwlCons. But this is the first time a lot of people will be seeing them work with our other, regular characters."
Gutshot co-creator Mike Murphy added that he's pleased that these character types will finally be making their debute.
"We actually started working on these a while ago, and then they got sidelined because we were focusing on other projects," Murphy said. "Now that we're working to bring out the Arnica Real Estate adobe buildings, this is a perfect time to get back to work on these characters and develop content for games set in, or around, the U.S. - Mexican border."
OwlCon EventsMitchell will be running these characters as part of his convention favorite game, "Last Man Standing." In this game, the rules are simple: If it moves, shoot it! The prize, of course, goes to the last one alive (or, in some cases, the last one to die).
"I love running this game," Mitchell said. "It really brings out the bloodlust in people. In a friendly sort of way, of course."
See below for event details.
Event Details |
Name: Saloon Showdown Time: 3 p.m., Sat., Feb. 16, 2013 Description:It's Friday night in Miss Kitka's Saloon, and all the usual folks are coming in for drinks, cards, and maybe to talk with a purdy lady. Can y'all keep the customers happy and earn the most money to win? Join Origins Award Winning game creator Mike Mitchell for a fun preview of his upcoming card game. We'll probably have enough time to play 2 or 3 games during this time, so feel free to mosey on by any time to see if we have an open seat. Prizes will be provided.
Name: Gutshot: Last Man Standing Time: 8 p.m., Sat., Feb. 16, 2013 Description: This here town ain't big enough for all of us... so I'm gonna have to kill yuh. Join us for a convention classic where, if it moves you shoot it! Prizes will be awarded to the gunslinger who outwits, outlasts and outshoots the competition! Join the action in this Origins Award winning game with one of the designers, Mike Mitchell. for more info!
For more information, visit