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Dan Hash wins Jury Prize!
Showdowns & Shootouts 2nd prize awarded
May 6, 2012

Hawgleg Publishing is proud as punch to finally announce the winner of the Jury Prize for it's Showdowns & Shootouts contest. The winner is none other than Dan Hash for his outstanding adventure, "Hurrahin' the Sky Pilot!"

The Jury Prize is the second place prize in the contest and it was awarded by the public through one-month of voting. Dan's adventure was the fourth of the 12 that were selected to be published in a multi-year contest for finding and printing high-quality Wild West adventures for use with the company's flagship game, Gutshot. Dan won by three votes (28 to 25).

"His victory didn't surprise us too much, as he got an early start, but other folks started to, and then actually caught up, and surpassed him for a while. To be honest, in the end we weren't sure who was gonna stay in the lead. It all came down to the last three days of voting," said Gutshot co-creator Mike Mitchell.

Dan's adventure set up a simple story of how the town's preacher and the ladies of the Temperance Society provided the Gutshot Posse (the game's development team) to include some exciting new rules in this particular adventure.

These rules include things like using non-lethal rock salt ammo in shotguns, as well as rules for lawmen to arrest characters, structural damage (including a quick system that would allow a building to actually collapse from an overly violent bar fight), expanded rules on women using frying pans and rolling pins, and a new Specialty: Fight to the Death.

These rules are all beta versions of material that will find its way into the second edition of Gutshot -- at some point. Right now there's nothing in the works for a further editions of the core rules.

"I feel mighty humbled to have the opportunity to receive this reward. Thanks to the crew at Hawgleg for the opportunity. I give credit for my victory to living in a place where I hear horse-drawn buggies on the street, see hitchin' posts, and smell and dodge horse-biscuits in the street. Really I want to thank all the loyal Gut-Shot fans that read the scenarios and voted for me, as well as my relatives and friends who took time out to see what I'd gotten myself into and cast a vote," Dan said.

As the second-place winner, Dan will receive the following prizes.

Jury's Choice Prize (valued at about $125)
  • $40 Gift Certificate to Scale Creep Miniatures
  • Arnica, Montana Hotel resin building ($25 value)
  • Whitewash City Starter CD ($15 value)
  • One item from the Gutshot General Store (approx. $20 value)
  • One copy of the collected S&S paperback book (approx. $20 value)
  • Gutshot miniature: ($5 value)

"We are very happy that Dan won the second prize," said Hawgleg partner Paul Mauer. "This was a really good adventure. It has a lot of stuff going for it and it was even on the list when we considered the Grand Prize."

The Showdowns & Shootouts adventures are available for free download from the Hawgleg Website.

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