Hawgleg News Archive - 2011 < Back to previous page

Hawgleg / Arnica shuts down for a week
Family illness requires our full attention
Oct. 3, 2011

A note from Mike Mitchell:

My wife had foot surgery on Sept. 15. Saturday night we notice a red splotch near her knee... by Sunday evening we were in the hospital trying to control an outbreak of cellulitis with IV antibiotics (they are being aggressive because of the recent surgery).

I am staying at the hospital with her, and as such, have not done any work for Hawgleg or Arnica. We will probably return home Wednesday, at which time I will try to get caught up on castings and mold making.

In the meantime, if you have an orrder with us waiting for shipment, we ask that you please bear with us. We'll try to contact everyone individually, but if we miss you, please accept my apologies.

I will post additional information as it becomes available.

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