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Showdowns & Shootouts winner announced
Congratulations Tom Reed!
June 19, 2011 -- Houston, Texas

After a very lengthy and difficult judgment process that involved two barroom brawls, a night in the local jail, and threats of a lynch mob, The Hawgleg Crew were finally able to put their thick skulls together and decide upon a winning entry for the “Showdowns and Shootouts Contest."

“We were delayed quite a bit by real life and real world issues, thus our schedule was quite a bit off. I’m glad and happy to say though that we have finally been able to pick the top selection,” said Gutshot co-creator Mike Mitchell.

Partners Mike Murphy and Paul Mauer agreed that the judging was extremely difficult due to the quality of each of the submissions.

“To be honest, it was just dang hard!” Murphy said. “We had a “top three pick, but then each of us went back and looked at what we liked and didn’t like about each one. They all had great ideas. We looked at ease of play, scenario setups, what was required, any special rules, victory conditions, number of players, the whole nine yards.”

“And guess what?” Paul said. “All three of us voted completely differently!”

And the Winner is...

"Once we looked at the results, we realized we needed to have a conference and figure it out quickly, or Paul would be bailing Murphy and myself out of the drunk tank again because of another “night on the town!”

Finally, after many conversations and thoughts, opinions, death threats, and an occasional break for Murphy to take a swig of whatever was in the bottle nearest to him, the voting finally resulted in a winner!

“It wasn’t easy, but we did it!” Paul said happily



"This was one that I was pushing for.” Murphy said. “To be honest, Tom’s module really stuck home with me. One of my favorite westerns is Rio Bravo, and this module seems to go hand in hand with that movie classic! It had all the elements of a 'classic western adventure' just ready to go!"

“Plus the fact that he just wants to be sheriff like John Wayne.” Paul said, completing Mike’s comments.

Mitchell was firm in his statements on the submissions. “All of them were excellent in their own ways and there is no reason that anyone should feel that we did not appreciate their efforts. We hadn’t actually expected the contest to last as long as it did, but as we said before, real life does indeed kick in at times to a small company such as ours and plans do get delayed.”

Murphy was appreciative of his partners also.

“I’d like everyone to know that Mike Mitchell and Paul Mauer did a fantastic job of reviewing these also. All credit to this endeavor goes to these two. To be honest, I am not sure we will be doing any more large contests like this for a while, due to the amount of material we had to sift through. We were simply overwhelmed,” Murphy said.

ALL of the “Showdowns and Shootouts” entry winners can be found and downloaded in pdf format on the Hawgleg site at:  http://www.hawgleg.com/2007_contest_winner.asp

What's next... more voting and more prizes!

Tom is the recipient of the Judge's Prize (see below) valued at more than $260. But there are also three other prizes, including one that will be selected by the Gutshot fans themselves. The Jury prize consists of  the following goodies:

Jury's Choice Prize (valued at about $105)
Selected by the public
  • $40 Gift Certificate to Scale Creep Miniatures
  • Arnica, Montana Hotel w/staircase resin building ($25 value)
  • Whitewash City Starter CD ($15 value)
  • One item from the Gutshot General Store (approx. $20 value)
  • Gutshot miniature: ($5 value)

We are halfway finished with the software necessary to run this ballot. It will be ready before the end of June 2011 (no, really, we mean it). At that time, we open voting for two weeks and then award the Jury's Prize, as well as conduct two additional random drawings to give away even more prizes.

Stay tuned for more info!

The Grand Prize

As the winner, Tom will receive the following prizes (valued at more than $260).

  • Whitewash City 6 x 4 feet felt game mat (approx. $40 value)
  • $60 Gift Certificate to Scale Creep Miniatures
  • 25mm painted stagecoach with team from Knuckleduster ($80 value)
  • Arnica, Montana resin Main Street Starter (5 buildings: $40 value)
  • Whitewash City Starter CD ($15 value)
  • One item from the Gutshot General Store (approx. $20 value)
  • Gutshot miniature: ($5 value) 

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