Hawgleg News Archive - 2010 < Back to previous page

Merry Christmas!
Dec. 24, 2010

   It's Christmas time out on the range and the old homestead. Even our wildest gun toting pistoleros and whisky drinking shootists know that "now's the time to put the shootin' irons away."

Out on the prairie, the wind blows quietly and whether it moves over the prairie grass, wheatfields, or desert sands, it whispers the same message to all: "Peace On Earth."

We here at Hawgleg have been fortunate these few years to have such a dedicated following. We're thankful that such a small company as we are, can have such a dedicated base of fans. For this we are truly grateful.

We've learned a lot about ourselves, and looked at our images in the lookin' glass and see the good and the bad. That's one of the things we always seem to do this time of year; is to reflect on what we've done, good and bad. Each year we resolve to do better, and each year we do try. Sometimes we fail, but we also succeed...

Family, friends, and the grace of The Good Lord upstairs to bless us. Our cowboys may be "Kings Of The Range," but they all kneel to the "Prince of Peace."

We here at Hawgleg have been blessed with so many good things and we are grateful for them. We wish each and everyone of you out there, the good grace and blessings of love, peace and happiness as we all know and once again celebrate "The Greatest Gift Of All"...

Merry Christmas To Everyone!

The Hawgleg Staff
Michael Murphy, Michael Mitchell & Paul Mauer
The Hawgleg Sidekicks
"Ole Doc" Murphy, Marshall Mitchell & "Mad Dog" Mauer

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