Arnica: Prepping for Spring Shutdown
March 29, 2010 -- Houston, Texas
Howdy one and all! In case you hadn't noticed, the Arnica store has been partially open for a while now. We've been accepting orders on eight buildings and most of our Add-On Kits. We didn't make a big splash about it because we were mainly using this as an opportunity to test our production line and processes while we ramp up to full production. This has been very useful, as it's helped us spot a lot of small problems with our molds and identify areas where we need to improve.
But if we're going to be able to move on to the next stage – which includes finishing the rest of the molds for the Western line, and then moving on the Adobe line – we need to take a short break. So, we're going to shut down the store for 4-6 weeks so we can focus on getting everything finished and up to full speed.
Before we pause, though, we want to thank everyone who has placed an order. We really appreciate it. All orders that have been received will be finished in the next week or so and then we will focus entirely on getting the new molds finished so we can come back with a grand opening event in May or June.
The store will shut down around May 1. So, if you were planning to place an order soon, now is probably the time to do it.
Thanks again for your patience.
--Mike Mitchell Hawgleg Publishing