Hawgleg News Archive - 2006 < Back to previous page

Don't mind the dust!

Hawgleg Website gets a fresh coat of paint
March 19, 2006 -- Cyberspace, Texas

Hey ya’ll!

Just a quick note to mention that we’re finally getting off the porch and starting to patch up some of the wear n’ tear on this here Website.  Ya see, when we built the Hawgleg Website back in 2001, we never intended to keep that design or structure for as long as we did. 

We always intended to use some database automation features so we could ensure more timely updates, particularly of the news stories, playtest schedules, game reports, Ole Doc Murphy columns, and Marshal Mitchell’s Hot Lists.

But, dagnabit, if we didn’t get sidetracked writing Gutshot, instead!

So, after a frantic few days of work, we’ve finally started making some of the upgrades, including the most obvious one: a new look and feel. We hope you like it!

“It took me one VERY long day, but I actually managed to copy most of the older material and put it into the new format,” said Mike Mitchell, the Web trail boss around these parts. “I am not going to copy the material that is going to be moved into the database, though. That would just be a waste of time, so it will have to wait a few days.”

Notably, the items that have not been moved include:

  • Ole Doc Murphy
  • The news archives
  • Playtests & game reports for:
    • Midnight Riders
    • Redleg Gang
    • The Little Warriors
    • And the rest of ‘em

“So, if you click on a link and see the old design, don’t fret none,” Mitchell said. “We’ll get to it pretty darn quick. On the other hand, if you click on a link and something WEIRD happens, please make a note of the page and let us know.”

Currently, all content is scheduled to be moved by the end of April.

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