Hawgleg News Archive - 2009 < Back to previous page

Pre-Release Sale Closes
Sept. 12, 2009

Hey folks, Paul "Mad Dog" Mauer here, with a little bit of news for all of you. I'm sorry to say that the Arnica Pre-Release Bonanza Sale will be ending effective immediately. This is due to the fact that we have had such a phenomenal response to it that we need to "turn off the spigot," so to speak, before we drown in orders. In our wildest dreams, we did not expect such a huge turn out for the sale. Literally, people on the other side of the world were waiting to get their hands back on some Arnica buildings.

To be honest, when we started the sale we didn't know what to expect. When we bought Arnica Montana from Mike McGraw we knew we had a good product and we wanted to make the transition as smooth as possible for all concerned. Well, that didn't happen. As you all know from Mike Mitchell's posts to the forum, there have been a few obstacles that we have had to overcome (including a hurricane that hit exactly one year ago today). When all the dust settled, we didn't know for certain if our customers were still going to be there waiting for us.

Well I don't mind telling you that we were quite happy to see that, even though we had to delay its re-introduction, Arnica Montana seems to be just as popular as it ever was, and I, personally, want to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of our valued customers for their support.

Now, I know there are a few of you that had contacted us before and, for whatever reason, your order did not go through (or we're still talking about it to settle on the details). Well never fear. All of us owners here at Arnica Real Estate are some straight-shootin'dudes, so here is what we will do for you. If your order was ORIGINALLY placed before Sept. 10, 2009, or you contacted us to place an order but we haven't yet completed the details (for whatever reason), do not worry. You can still receive your order at the sale price and get a discount on your next order. Just e-mail Mike Mitchell and he will take care of it with you.

So one last time I, on behalf of everyone here at Arnica Montana and Hawgleg Publishing, want to give you all a big tip of the hat to say thanks for confirming our faith in you.


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