Hawgleg News Archive - 2009 < Back to previous page

Hawgleg releases new game aid,
Gutshot: Player & GM Handouts

June 30, 2009 -- Houston, Texas


The gents at Hawgleg Publishing are pleased to announce the release of the long-awaited gaming aid, Gutshot: Player & GM Handouts. This free PDF download includes 13 pages of tables and information to help people get Gutshot.

"People have been asking for this for a while now," said Gutshot co-creator Mike Mitchell. "It's something we always intended to release, but it just took us a while to decide on the best format and then get it done."

The PDF includes most of the tables and info that are already included at the back of the Gutshot Core Rule Book, which mainly focuses on combat tables and movement charts. It also includes additional tables for tracking NPC morale.

"I printed out five sets of these and keep them in my game bag to pass out to players," Mitchell explained. "We keep them around the table so they can quickly look up info during the game. The Snake-eyes and Boxcars tables are particularly useful!"

In addition to the tables, the PDF also includes a copy of the latest, updated index from the book.

"The index is always being updated and amended," said Gutshot co-creator Mike Murphy. "We have added at least 20 items since the book was first published. Even if you don't need the player aids, this document is worth downloading just for the index."

The tables have also been updated and corrected. Most of the corrections are minor, including typographic formatting (margins that don't line up correctly), or just correcting minor punctuation errors.

"I don't think any of the data has changed. We corrected that a long time ago. This time we were just focusing on correcting minor things," said Paul Mauer, the head of the Hawgleg Proofing Posse.

Gutshot: Player & GM Handouts is available at Hawgleg's Website: http://www.hawgleg.com/downloads.asp#handouts

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