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Klaus Needs a Holiday!
It’s not quite Christmas in July, but ole Klaus is ridin’ into town with a bunch of goodies for all the good boys and girls in Hawgleg’s latest Showdowns & Shootouts Adventure Writing Contest. Previous winner Carmen Cerra is back again with another action-packed adventure, this time celebrating the holidays with gifts of hot lead! “Carmen really outdid himself on this one,” said Gutshot co-creator Mike Mitchell. “He successfully balances a little whimsy with some down-and-dirty action. In other words, even though the names and location are a bit punny, that doesn’t diminish the fact that this submission was well crafted and potentially deadly.” "How could we resist a plot like that?" Mitchell asked. "It was like Carmen took a classic Rankin-Bass Christmas show and turned it into a Western!" Not that a pistol-packin' Santa is all this thing's got going for it, he added. "I like the changes and additions you made," Carmen wrote in an e-mail after reading the final version. "'Cole Black kicks puppies and the sound of crying children is music to his ears.' HA! That's one mean hombre. I also love good old reliable Rudy - an animal with intelligence - if I may - a smart ass :) And new specialties! You just filled this one scenario chock full of goodies and fun. I shall enjoy playing your improved version." This adventure includes beta drafts of two new Specialties (Strong-as-an-Ox and Teamster) and the draft for a new Vehicle (a mule cart). "In earlier adventures we included beta material for non-lethal rocksalt loads for shotguns and the Fight-to-the-Death Specialty," said Hawgleg battle master Paul "Mad Dog" Mauer. "But this time we went 'hawg wild' and included more new stuff than ever before." The material is beta, though, and the authors caution players to watch for the final, definitive versions of these items that will appear in upcoming Gutshot expansions and in online errata sheets. Thanks to our sponsors and previous winnersThe contest deadline has been extended until the judges publish the 12th adventure, which hopefully won't take as long as this one did. "I hate to offer up yet another apology for being tardy," Mitchell said, "but the truth is we had a lot of business and other distractions in the past few months that put us farther behind schedule. Some of these, like the Arnica Real Estate acquisition, ya'll know about. But there are a few other surprises in store, as well." As with previous winners, Carmen is eligible to win part of the more than $500 in prizes, graciously provided by the contest sponsors:
Special thanks to this adventure's featured sponsor: |
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