Get Gutshot at the Alamo!
Hawgleg hits the trail to ChimaeraCon
March 13, 2008 -- San Antonio, Texas

Saddle up yer ponies, saddle pals! Hawgleg is hittin' the San Antonio trail to ChimaeraCon this weekend. Gutshot co-creator Mike Mitchell (accompanied by his lovely wife, Donna) will be making his first appearance at the long-running game convention.
"It was actually hit or miss for a few days," Mitchell said. "Of all things, I came down with a head cold that turned into a mild case of bronchitis and I just wasn't sure I'd be up to doing the con this weekend."
But, a quick visit to a doctor (and nope, it weren't Ole Doc Murphy – it was a good doctor) and he reports, "I'm feeling much better now. I want to go for a walk in the park."
Whether he's foolin' anyone or not, he will make the ride over to San Antonio this weekend to run a Gutshot: Night of the Living Deadwood playtest: "Dead Reckoning at Glitter Gulch." This adventure is a minor revision of the popular game he ran last month at OwlCon.
Mitchell will attend the con for part of Friday and Saturday. He will not be there Sunday.
"This is Hawgleg's first visit to San Antonio, and we're excited," said Gutshot buckaroo, Paul "Mad Dog" Mauer. "It's about time Marshal Mitchell saddled up and got over there."
Also making their first appearance at ChimaeraCon will be Hawgleg's good buddies, Midnight Comics, who will be bringing a whole slew of Gutshot books with 'em.
"It's always a pleasure hanging out with John Simons," Mitchell said. "Him being there is just icing on the cake."
Time: 2 p.m. Date: Saturday, March 15, 2008 Location: M14 (see convention map) No. of players: 4 – 9 (but we can squeeze in a few more) URL:
Dead Reckoning at Glitter Gulch The ole prospector was dyin’ so ya’ll made him as comfortable as possible. In gratitude, he gave yuh the map to a mine chock fulla nuggets just lyin’ there fer the taking. You’n the boys are gonna be rich! Of course, he neglected ta mention that danged curse and the walking dead guarding the gold!
All miniatures, terrain and dice will be provided – all you need to bring is enough gumption to get Gutshot! Oh yeah… we got prizes!