Hawgleg News Archive - 2008 < Back to previous page

New S&S Adventure now online!
Adventure takes new spin on Coffeyville Raid
Feb. 25, 2008

Download this adventure at The Winners Page:

Running low on funds and with a posse of US Marshalls only a day's ride behind them, the Longbarrow boys are desperate. Harvey Longbarrow was born and raised eight miles outside of Mortonsville, so he knows the land and hopes this will give them an edge in this, their most brazen robbery ever: two banks at once!

Lightning strikes!

Oscar-winning movies ain't the only place "There will be Blood." Players are all but guaranteed to be swimming in gallons of the stuff in the new Gutshot: Showdowns & Shootouts adventure by Andrew Collins.

A Flash of Lighting from a Clear Sky is Andrew's take on the famous Coffeyville raid of Oct. 5, 1892. It is the eighth adventure to be published in the contest.

"Excellent adventure. The false mustaches and beards didn't work for the Daltons...I'm wondering if it will work here? Anyhow, I see lots of work for the undertaker,"" said Gutshot co-creator Mike Murphy.

Reception on the Hawgleg forums was uniformly enthusiastic upon the adventure's release, including how it incorporated the history of the famous event that inspired it.

"I am glad ya'll put in suggestions on speed'n up the bank robbery. Again this is a great fictionalization of The Dalton raid on Coffeyville. If I remember the map of the Coffeyville raid, this is purt near the same. I'm wonderin' if any of the gang will get to the alley where the livery stable is. Which is where the last of the gang was killed in the raid, if I correctly remember it," commented Dan Hash (alias Judge Bean).

Joining the Winner's Circle

As with previous winners, Andrew will receive a limited edition "La Vaquera" miniature and is eligible to win part of the more than $500 in prizes, graciously provided by the contest sponsors:

The adventure is available for free download from the contest Winner's Page: www.hawgleg.com/2007_contest_winner.asp

So far, the winner's circle includes: Al Theobald, Ross Edwards, Carmen Cerra, Dan Hash, Lance Gamble, Richard Nelson, Tom Reed and Andrew Collins. In addition to the indescribable thrill and glory of having their names attached to a Hawgleg product, each winner will receive a limited edition ‘La Vaquera’ miniature.

Finally, all winners will be eligible to be considered for the Judges’ and Jury’s Prizes with a combined value of more than $500.

Check out the full prize list on the Contest Page.

Contest deadline
extended thru
May 2008

Special thanks to this adventure's featured sponsor:
Scale Creep Miniatures

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