Hawgleg News Archive - 2008 < Back to previous page

The Great Drygulch Bank Robbery
New Showdowns & Shootouts adventure ready for download
Jan. 8, 2008

Download this adventure at The Winners Page:
The sun was just coming up as the Sheriff looked up and down the dusty Main Street of Drygulch. The Double Diamond ranch had just finished a long cattle drive and all the hands were in town waiting for the bank to open so they could get paid and have a good time. And if a long, rowdy night ahead weren't enough to put some sand in the Sheriff's craw, there's that prisoner sittin' in the jail cell waiting to be hanged tomorrow and all them rumors about how his brother aims ta bust him out.

Of course, it’s probably just as well that the Sheriff didn’t know that the McKenna gang was about to ride into town and attempt a daring daylight bank robbery! Yup, it was gonna be a long day in Drygulch.

Contest Deadline Extended

The newest adventure by Tom Reed is the seventh to be released in the Gutshot: Showdowns & Shootouts contest, which has taken more time than the Gutshot Posse figured it would to get out.

"Dang it if we ain't even farther behind schedule than we were in October," said Gutshot co-creator Mike Mitchell. "There ain't no one to blame but me, so I apologize to yuh all. Things just got away from me this year and now we're gonna have to do some hard ridin' to catch up."

One thing the Gutshot Posse is doing to get back on track is extending the contest deadline through March. The final deadline will be announced when the eleventh adventure is published, explained Gutshot partner Paul Mauer.

"The extension will allow writers to submit more adventures, which will continue to be considered for publication. We want as many submissions as possible, so keep sending them in," Paul said.

This still leaves a lot of hard work to do, but the whole posse is pitching in to get it done.

"Barring any more health issues or other serious delays, we should manage to wrap things up by the end of March," Mitchell said. "This should give us a realistic timetable of completing two adventures per month and still maintain the high level of quality we've achieved with the material we've already published."

First in, finally out

Ironically, Tom's adventure, which is just now being printed, was the first one to actually be submitted in Hawgleg's contest.

"Tom tied with another entry for being the first submission," Mitchell said. "And we've always known this one would make the cut because it's such a classic setup. It just took us a while to find the right artwork and work it into the production schedule."

Gutshot co-creator Mike Murphy echoed his partner's sentiments.

"This is a very classic story and we all like it a lot," Murphy said. "I especially like that it's for three separate teams who have different restrictions on their behaviors. That's the kind of thing that makes for an exciting game."

As with previous winners, Tom will receive a limited edition "La Vaquera" miniature and is eligible to win part of the more than $500 in prizes, graciously provided by the contest sponsors:

The adventure is available for free download from the contest Winner's Page: www.hawgleg.com/2007_contest_winner.asp

So far, the winner's circle includes: Al Theobald, Ross Edwards, Carmen Cerra, Dan Hash, Lance Gamble, Richard Nelson and Tom Reed. In addition to the indescribable thrill and glory of having their names attached to a Hawgleg product, each winner will receive a limited edition ‘La Vaquera’ miniature.

Finally, all winners will be eligible to be considered for the Judges’ and Jury’s Prizes with a combined value of more than $500.

Check out the full prize list on the Contest Page.

Special thanks to this month’s featured sponsor,
Arnica, Montana Real Estate

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