Hawgleg News Archive - 2007 < Back to previous page

Fargle Brothers storm Muckhole!
October heats up as we release 2nd S&S adventure this month
Oct. 14, 2007

Download the game and support files
on the S&S Winners Page

October is heating up as Hawgleg releases its second Showdowns & Shootouts Adventure for the month. This time the honorable townsfolk of Nelson’s Bluff (called “Muckhole” by the folk who live there) have had enough of the notorious Fargle Brothers. Last time them three idjits was in town, they shot the place up good and sent no less’n 15 men to be patched up by Ole Doc Murphy. Well sir, this time the townsfolk are fighting back; they reckon if the Fargles don’t make it to the saloon, then they won’t get drunk and start shootin’ up the place. And even though they got the three brothers outnumbered 5-to-1, there ain’t no way to tell how things’ll turn out in “Stand-off at Muckhole!”

Written as a very brief submission by long-time Gutshot supporter, Richard Nelson, this game is suitable for 2 or more players and fields up to 18 active combatants.  The three-page adventure was fleshed out from Richard's one-paragraph submission in the Hawgleg forum.

"The game provides a few tweaks to keep things moving," said Gutshot co-creator Mike Mitchell. "The 15 townsfolk are treated as NPCs who get only two Actions per Turn, whereas two of the Fargle brothers have the Spontaneous and Two-Gun-Shootist Specialties. This effectively doubles their firepower when compared to the Townsfolk."

The game, Mitchell said, becomes a contest of skill versus numbers.

To help players run that many characters, the Hawgleg Posse has even prepared Character Sheets, NPC record sheets, and name slips for this game. Just mosey on over to the Winners Page to download 'em.

Riding hard for the finish line

"We really pulled together to get this one out as fast as we did," said Gutshot Partner Paul Mauer. "Mike's illness this summer put us behind schedule and now we're working hard to catch up by the end of the year."

Mitchell expressed his appreciation to everyone who expressed concern and offers of assistance.

"Everyone's support and assistance means a lot to us – we can't thank ya'll enough for being patient while we work to get back on schedule," Mitchell said. 


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