Hawgleg News Archive - 2007 < Back to previous page

Holed Up!
New S&S adventure ready for download!
Oct. 4, 2007

When his farm went dry and his wife ran off with a traveling salesman, Josef Rubinstein hit the bottle...then he and his buddies hit the outlaw trail. Four stores, two banks and one dead teller later, they netted themselves $17,000 - and a price on their heads!

They decided to make a break for Mexico, but it may be too late as three lawmen have them holed up in an old shack near the border in El Paso. Now it's time to decide: stand and fight or make a run for the border! 

Even though it's being released a mite behind schedule, the latest Gutshot: Showdowns & Shootouts adventure is a fiery stand-off between three lawmen and a gang of mediocre outlaws holed up in a dilapidated bunk house. 

Written by Lance Gamble, this adventure is sure to be another crowd pleaser.  The adventure is designed for nine characters split into two teams: Outlaws and Lawmen.  It also introduces some new material that may wind up in the upcoming Campaign Guide: a random weapons table and a table for rolling up random lawmen Character Types.

And, of course, these two tables may be used with any other Gutshot adventure.

Buckling down for the long haul

"It has been a rough summer," said Gutshot partner Paul Mauer, "But we are now getting back on schedule and will be releasing more contest adventures soon."

Paul is in charge of scheduling and quality control, as well as other creative duties.

The summer months included the hospitalization and recovery of Hawleg co-founder Mike Mitchell, as well as some personal issues and travel that put the company behind schedule on several projects, including the S&S contest.

"If we can keep to our current schedule and release three adventures in October, then we'll be back on track," Mitchell said.  "Since the next one is already half-finished, this seems like a realistic goal."

The latest adventure, as are all the others, can be downloaded from the contest winners' page.

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