Hawgleg News Archive - 2007 < Back to previous page

Wargames Market / Gutshot Winner
Glenn Wilson takes home the prize
Aug. 22, 2007

We're happier'n three hawgs in a waller to announce that Glenn Wilson is the winner of the Wargames Market / Hawgleg Publishing drawing!

Glenn is a member of the Big Muddy Historical Group in Saint Louis, Missouri, and a frequent poster over at The Miniatures Page where he waxes poetic on Western issues under the handle "Warbeads."

Glenn's name was pulled out of the hat in a drawing held Aug. 13, 2007 as part of a promotion held in conjunction with our buddies over at Wargames Market. The drawing was open to everyone who registered for a free membership or listed an item for sale. The winner received a free copy of Gutshot.

“It was a treat working with Jason Temple and the fine folks over at Wargames Market,” said Gutshot co-creator Mike Mitchell. "They're running a fine service and we're proud to ride the river with them."

Fellow Hawglegger Paul Mauer agreed.

"Jason and company run a fine organization that offers a great service to gamers everywhere," Paul said.

With ultra-low listing fees and no final value fees to pay ever, now there is yet another reason to make the switch over to the net's dedicated gaming and miniatures auction site: www.wargamesmarket.com.

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