Hawgleg News Archive - 2007 < Back to previous page

Hawgleg teams with Wargames Market
Register or list with the gaming auction site
to win a free copy of Gutshot!

Aug. 4, 2007 -- USA / UK / Worldwide

Hawgleg Publishing is proud to partner with the hottest gaming auction site, Wargames Market, to offer you a sweet deal. Between now and Aug. 12, 2007, just register for a free membership or list an item for sale, and you’ll be entered to win a free copy of Gutshot.

“We’re very happy to be working with Jason Temple and the fine folks over at Wargames Market,” said Gutshot co-creator Mike Mitchell. “An online auction site focusing on games and gamers is a wonderful idea… and frankly, one that is long overdue.”

The rules of this promotion are very simple, Jason explained at their Website.  Visit www.wargamesmarket.com and:

  1. Register for a new account
  2. List an item for sale

On Aug. 13 Jason will draw a name at random from the eligible entries (limit one per person), and the winner will receive a free copy of Gutshot, the 2006 Origins Award Winner for “Historical Miniatures Game of the Year.”

With ultra-low listing fees and no final value fees to pay ever, now there is yet another reason to make the switch over to the net's dedicated gaming and miniatures auction site: www.wargamesmarket.com.

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