Hawgleg News Archive - 2007 < Back to previous page

Gutshot: Night of the Living Deadwood
Final playtest this Sunday

March 30, 2007 -- Houston, Texas

If you've got enough gumption to face down the undead, then this weekend is your chance to prove it, pardners.  Gutshot co-creator Mike Mitchell will be running his final spring playtest for Gutshot: Night of the Living Deadwood, this Sunday.

"This is the last playtest, at least the final one for awhile," Mitchell said.  I'll be at Enigma’s from 2-6 p.m. on Sunday -- usual time, usual place -- and this time I will be running the VERY FIRST test of our 'Fast Zombie' rules."

After this game, Mitchell said he will be away from the game table for at least 1-2 months while he works on writing up the material that was learned during this playtest campaign.

"We have a lot of work to do if we're going to get this game expansion out this year, and this break is vital to achieving our deadline," Mitchell said.  "Then, sometime in May or June I will run another multi-week campaign at a new location and attempt to refine the system even more."

Mitchell expressed gratitude to everyone who has participated in this playtest.

"All the guys, and gal, who joined us at the table helped us a LOT," Mitchell said. "I especially want to thank J Womack and his boys. They actually drove more than an hour, each way, to make it to the games.  Now, that's dedication!  Thanks guys, I REALLY appreciate it."

If you can make it to the game, we'd love to have yuh! All supplies (minis, terrain, etc.) are supplied and beginners are welcomed with open arms.

Visit www.enigmagame-tx.com for directions and more info about Enigma's Games.

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