Hawgleg News Archive - 2007 < Back to previous page

Hawgleg mail server bogged by spam
'Wish it was legal to string spammers up by the neck,' Mitchell says
Feb. 12, 2007 -- Houston, Texas

In the month of December, I received somewhere between 8,000 - 11,000 spam e-mails.  And, although it has slowed down a bit, I still average hundreds a day, and Mike Murphy isn't faring much better.  And all this is WITH new anti-spam software on our server!


Since it ain’t legal to string up these spammers by the neck, within the month we will: 


1) Initiate new, aggressive anti-spam features 

2) change mail accounts (phasing out the current ones within 30 days) 


Until these upgrades are complete, if you need to contact us by e-mail, please put the word GUTSHOT as the first word in the subject line (and yes, all caps is best).   


Thank you very much, and if you have contacted us within the past month and you haven't heard back from us, please resend the message (with GUTSHOT in the subject line, of course). 


Thanks very much for your understanding, 


Mike Mitchell 

Hawgleg Publishing

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