Contact Us
Thank you for contacting us. Please give us 48 hours to respond to your message (and a few more days during holidays or conventions).
If you don't think your message went through, click here.
If you don't hear from us by then, please look for us at The Old West forum at, or as a last restort you may attempt to reach us through this e-mail address.
Please be advised, though, that we only check this account about once a week, and it gets so much spam that if you do not have the word HAWGLEG or GUTSHOT in the subject line, our spam filter will probably eat your message.

IMPORTANT: Your subject line MUST have the word GUTSHOT in it, or our spam filter will delete your message! Putting the word in all caps is even better. |
By the way, we apologize for posting our e-mail address in this manner. The honest truth is, when we had a normal e-mail link we got so much spam that we couldn't handle it. We were averaging more than 2,000 spam messages a month... and that was even after we upgraded our spam filters! So, until we can sort out the server settings for our e-mail form, please bear with us; embedding the address in a graphic makes it harder for those danged spammers to get our address. Thank you for your understanding.
-- Hawgleg Publishing |
Mailing Address:
Available upon request.
Houston, Texas 77066
